New Services


We're thrilled to introduce acupuncture to our wellness clinic in Paddington. Lou is a highly sought-after acupuncturist who specialises in gentle Japanese needling techniques. With her warm and nourishing approach, Lou brings years of experience to our practice, complemented by her degree in Naturopathy.

We've invited Lou to join our team knowing our clients will appreciate her holistic approach to acupuncture. She thoughtfully restores balance within the body, eases muscle tension, and calms the mind, whilst stimulating energy and blood flow to support your healing journey.

What is acupuncture?

ACUPUNCTURE is an ancient healing practice based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) philosophy, where thin, sterile needles are gently inserted into specific points on the body. These points, known as acupoints, are connected to pathways (meridians) that facilitate the flow of vital energy, or Qi. By stimulating these acupoints, acupuncture activates the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

The primary aim of acupuncture is to restore balance and promote the smooth flow of energy throughout the body, supporting overall health and alleviating symptoms. While acupuncture is most commonly known for treating pain, it is also effective in addressing a wide range of conditions, including stress, insomnia, digestive issues, menstrual imbalances, and fertility concerns, as well as providing support during pregnancy, labour and post-partum. Contemporary research suggests that acupuncture may work by stimulating the nervous system, triggering the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals and enhancing circulation.

MOXIBUSTION OR MOXA involves burning a dried plant called mugwort on or near the body’s acupuncture points. Moxa helps to warm the local area and stimulate energy flow and blood circulation for various health benefits.

CUPPING involves the use of warmed glass cups which are placed on the skin creating a suction. The cups will either be placed in a position and left stationary for some time, or an oil will be applied to the skin and the cups moved along an area of the body. Cupping helps to improve blood flow, reduce any muscle tension and promote healing.

Tui Na is a form of Chinese therapeutic MASSAGE that can be used to further stimulate acupoints, reduce tension and promote the free flow of qi through the body.

Auricular acupuncture, or ear acupuncture, involves the insertion of small needles into targeted points on the outer-ear. The ear serves as a map of the body, with each point representing a specific part or organ. During a session, certain ear points may be needled, or a small ear seed may be placed at the corresponding point to provide continued support for the treatment in the days following the appointment.

Moxa, cupping, massage and ear acupuncture may be included as part of your unique acupuncture treatment.

Chinese Medicine diagnostic tools

A consultation with an acupuncturist typically includes a tongue and pulse examination. The pulse positions on the wrists provide insights of corresponding organs, while the nature of the pulse offers valuable information about a patient's energy levels and emotional state. Tongue analysis is another essential diagnostic tool, with acupuncturists assessing its size, shape, colour, and coating to gain a deeper understanding of overall health. Combined with observations of your complexion, tone of voice, demeanour, and appearance, these diagnostic methods enable the acupuncturist to form a TCM diagnosis and create a personalised treatment tailored to your needs.